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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Free preventive care for Women // Cuidado preventivo gratuito para mujeres.

The White House has reported that; starting August 1st, and for the first time ever, women will have access to potentially life-saving preventive care free of charge. Thanks to the Obama’s health care law, services including well-woman visits, gestational diabetes screening, breastfeeding support and supplies, contraception, domestic violence screening, and more will be covered without cost sharing in new health plans starting August 2012; giving women more control over their own health.
To learn more about this new benefits becoming available for women, the Department of Health and Human Services has presented the following web site to answer all the questions that might arise.

La Casa Blanca ha reportado que; comenzando el 1ro de Agosto de 2012, y por primera vez, las mujeres tendrá acceso a servicios preventivos de salud que potencialmente podrían salvar muchas vidas; todas completamente gratis (sin co-pago para la persona asegurada. Gracias a la ley de reforma a la salud de Obama, servicios que incluyen bienestar, exámenes de detención de diabetes gestacional , apoyo a la lactancia, servicios de anticoncepción, y exámenes de prevención de violencia domestica, entre otros, serán cubiertos; algunos otros más serán ofrecidos con un co-pago mínimo, permitiendo a las mujeres más control sobre su propia salud.
Para aprender más a cerca de estos nuevos beneficios disponibles para las mujeres, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos, ha presentado el siguiente sitio web para responder todas las preguntas que puedan surgir.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Health Care reform: A major public health victory!! // Reforma a la Salud: Una gran victoria para la Salud Publica

Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Health care reform, also called "Obama Care"; the most influential Health Organizations in the nation (Such as APHA, IOM and American Heart Association, among others) celebrated the decision and reacted positively after the decision was made public. Here I am presenting President Obama’s speech in regards of this historical moment.

El día de Ayer, La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos ratificó la reforma a la salud también llamada como “Obama Care”.  Las organizaciones más influyentes en el área de la salud en la nación (Tal como La Asociación Americana de Salud Publica; El Instituto de Medicina y la Asociación Americana del Corazón, entre otras) celebraron la decisión y reaccionaron positivamente después de que la decisión se hizo pública. En esta entrada estoy presentando el discurso que el presidente Obama presentó con respecto a este histórico momento.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The new DSM. Are the Pharmaceutical companies behind the new Diagnostic Criterias // El nuevo DSM: Están las compañías farmacéuticas detrás de los nuevos criterios diagnósticos?

Doctor Allen Frances, M.D., was chair of the DSM-IV Task Force that published the well known Manual in 1994; He was also chair of the department of psychiatry at Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC and is currently professor emeritus at Duke. While working at the DSM, he established strict guidelines to ensure that changes from DSM‐III‐R to DSM‐IV would be few and well supported by empirical data. Recently, Dr. Frances objected the new Diagnostic Criteria and predicted potentially grave problems in the DSM‐V goals, methods, and products due to the intervention of the Pharmaceutical companies in the edition and selection of those criterias; he stated that “unless its course is corrected, DSM‐V will lead to many damaging unintended consequences”.
Here is the editorial published by Psychiatric Times where Dr Frances reveals the tensions within the members of the DSM V task force and the intervention of the Pharmaceutical Companies.

El Doctor Allen Frances perteneció a la fuerza de trabajo que desarrollo el DSM IV y que publico su famoso manual en 1994. El fue también miembro del departamento de psiquiatría de la universidad de Duke en Carolina del Norte, donde hoy trabaja como profesor emérito. Mientras trabajaba en el DSM, el estableció unos estrictos parámetros para asegurar que los cambios entre el DSM-III-R y el DSM IV fueran pocos y bien soportados por datos empíricos. El Dr. Frances, recientemente, objetó los nuevos criterios diagnósticos y predijo potenciales graves problemas en las metas, métodos y productos del DSM V, gracias a la intervención de las compañías farmacéuticas en la redacción y selección de dichos criterios. El ha dicho que “A menos que el curso sea corregido, el DSM V llevara a muchas, aunque involuntarias, consecuencias nefastas” (la traducción es mía).  Aquí está el editorial publicado por la revista “Psychiatric Times” en donde el Dr. Frances revela las tensiones entre los miembros de la fuerza de trabajo para el DSM V y la intervención de las compañías farmacéuticas. 

Mike Rosenthal:

DSM-5: Dissent From Within
By Allen Francis, MD | January 3, 2011

Many people associated with DSM-5 have privately expressed their serious doubts to me, but felt muzzled into public silence by constraining confidentiality agreements and loyalty to the process. Gary Greenberg's recent DSM-5 piece inWired offers a set of dispirited quotes from discouraged Work Group members--but again he elicited them only under the promise of strict anonymity. Until now, the only people connected to DSM-5 to express public displeasure were the two who have resigned from it.
John Livesley, a highly respected member of the Personality Disorders (PD) Work Group, has now broken this fortress defensiveness and enforced wall of silence. He has published a brilliantly reasoned critique titled "Confusion and Incoherence in the Classification of Personality Disorder: Commentary on the Preliminary Proposals for DSM-5."

The title says it all --the PD proposal is a pretentious emperor without any clothes. Livesley systematically catalogs all its many defects: breathtakingly radical change based on questionable empirical support, lack of reasonable rationale, mind boggling and incoherent complexity, poor taxonomic methods, and inconsistency among components. This is a proposal that will never be used by clinicians, will greatly hamper personality disorder research, and will blacken the reputation of dimensional diagnosis. It will reduce the credibility of personality disorder as an important clinical issue, leading patients with severe personality problems to be misdiagnosed and hence mistreated or not treated at all.
Opposition to the proposal is virtually unanimous among personality disorder experts. Strong critiques have been, or soon will be, published in The American Journal of Psychiatry; the Journal of Abnormal Psychology; the Journal of Personality Disorders; and Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Only a very flawed and unnecessarily closed DSM-5 process could have allowed the survival to this late stage of such bizarrely misguided and idiosyncratic suggestions.
Clearly, breaking with his colleagues was not an easy step for Dr Livesley, or one he took lightly. The confidentiality restrictions turned out not to be a problem-- he bypassed them simply by using only information that is already available in the public domain. His more difficult choice was whether to expose the follies of the PD work group-- given his understandable bond of loyalty to colleagues on the committee. Fortunately, this was trumped by four much stronger and even more admirable loyalties-- "to intellectual honesty, respect for empirical findings, and concern for the future of the field and patient care."
I know that many other DSM-5 workers are similarly disturbed by the lack of organization in the DSM-5 process and the wayward nature of many of its proposals. They have heretofore been frozen into immobile public silence by some combination of team spirit, passivity, the confidentiality agreements, distaste for controversy, and fear of retaliation. Dr Livesley's well reasoned dissenting opinion provides DSM-5 participants with a model of responsible behavior under difficult   circumstances. Principled and open dissent is a time-honored way of reconciling the conflicting pressures they must feel. If this is a good enough approach for the Supreme Court, why not have it inform a DSM-5 process that has become the supreme court of diagnostic judgment?
Everyone involved with DSM-5 should follow Dr Livesley's example and at last feel encouraged to speak openly. They needn't  worry about confidentiality agreements if comments focus on information that is posted and public. Intellectual honesty and concern for patient welfare trump narrow loyalties to colleagues or guild interest.

It is not too late to save DSM-5 from itself-- if only those working on it will finally break free of groupspeak and share their thoughts with the field-- as they should have been encouraged to do from very outset. The current sad state of DSM-5 has been caused by secrecy and defensiveness. The only salvation is completely frank and open discussion. Great thanks are owed to Dr Livesley for having demonstrated the wisdom, responsibility, and courage to light this path for his colleagues.
Dr Livesley's article can be found online in the current issue of the journal Psychological Injury and the Law - I recommend it highly to anyone interested in the conceptual issues that underlie personality disorder diagnosis and more broadly to those concerned with the problems that have bedeviled the development of DSM-5. He will be publishing additional thoughts in a spring issue of the Journal of Personality Disorders devoted to the DSM-5 suggestions.   

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Child Obesity is Child Abuse! // Obesidad Infantil es Abuso Infantil.

Some Facts 

Without reducing consumption, more than one in five children will be obese by 2020.

"16% of American youth 6-19 are now overweight and 34% are at risk for becoming overweight."

Centers for Disease Control, August 2007

"The prevalence of overweight adolescents 12-19 has nearly tripled in the past two decades."

U.S. Surgeon General, December 2002

The health consequences of the obesity epidemic among kids demand immediate action. Children's food choices are heavily dependent on adults, and childhood obesity predicts a lifetime of struggles with weight and disease. It's time for an all-out national campaign to change this disturbing picture.

American youngsters have a long way to go to reach new goals for a lower childhood obesity rate, new study shows.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The science behind “broken heart syndrome” // La ciencia detras del "Sindrome de Corazon Roto"

The science behind “broken heart syndrome”
Posted By P.J. Skerrett On February 14, 2012

During Valentine’s season, it’s not hard to run across articles on what’s come to be called broken-heart syndrome. These often open with a touching story of a long-married couple that died within days of each other.
Many of these articles lump two completely different conditions under the “broken heart” heading. One is stress cardiomyopathy, sometimes known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The other is myocardial infarction, better known as a heart attack.
A huge sudden stress—like news that a loved one has died, experiencing an earthquake, or learning that your accountant has stolen all of your retirement savings—unleashes a torrent of stress hormones. Most of us weather this storm just fine. Others don’t.

Stress cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy is a weakening of the left ventricle, the heart’s main pumping chamber. The bottom portion of the left ventricle balloons out each time the heart beats. It was originally called takotsubo cardiomyopathy because the shape of the left ventricle resembles the tako-tsubo, a Japanese trap used to catch octopi (see image). Exactly how stress makes this happen isn’t yet known.
Calling this “broken-heart syndrome” is cute, but limited. In addition to happening after news of unexpected loss, stress cardiomyopathy can be caused by an accident, episode of severe fear or pain, fierce argument, or even something that’s supposed to be pleasurable, like a surprise party or winning the lottery.
Stress cardiomyopathy feels like a heart attack—pain in the chest, left arm, jaw, or upper back; feeling short of breath or lightheaded; the sudden onset of nausea, dizziness, or a cold sweat. It even looks like one on an electrocardiogram. But none of the coronary arteries are blocked, the hallmark of a heart attack.
Treating stress cardiomyopathy generally involves the use of heart-protecting medications such as beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, and diuretics. Over the course of a week or longer, the ballooning tends to fade and the left ventricle usually recovers its pumping power.
(You can read more about stress cardiomyopathy in this article from the Harvard Women’s Health Watch.)

Myocardial infarction

Plaque is the cholesterol-filled gunk that builds up inside arteries throughout the body. Small plaques are silent; large ones can cause angina—chest pain or pressure brought on by physical activity or emotional stress. A big, sudden stress can lead to a heart attack two ways: by causing plaque to burst, or by triggering a dangerous heart rhythm.
When a plaque bursts, it spews a mixture of activated cholesterol, white blood cells, and other debris into the bloodstream. A blood clot forms to seal the leak and contain the damage. If the clot is so big that it completely blocks the artery, blood stops flowing to a section of heart muscle. Without oxygenated blood, that area of the heart begins to die. That’s a heart attack.
A surge or stress hormones can also interfere with the precisely timed signals that keep the heart beating steadily. It can make the left ventricle beat so fast and so erratically that it never has time to relax and fill with blood. Circulation to the brain and body stops. This situation, known as ventricular fibrillation, is a common cause of sudden (and deadly) cardiac arrest.
Over the years, a number of studies have shown that sudden stress from earthquakes, wars, sporting events, and more are followed by a spike in heart attacks. It happens with sudden loss and grief, too. A new study from Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center showed that the risk of having a heart attack is 21 times higher than normal within the first day after a loved one dies. The elevated risk drops as the days pass. The report was published in the journal Circulation. (You can read more about sudden stress and heart attack in this article from the Harvard Heart Letter.)

Prevention is tricky

There’s no way to steel yourself against the shock of bad news. All you can hope for is that your heart can handle it. The best way to get it ready is by making the kinds of healthy daily choices that protect the heart and prevent the buildup of plaque. You know which ones I mean—exercising, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, and the like.
If your heart has been broken and you are in mourning or grief, take care of yourself, advise the Beth Israel Deaconess researchers. Try to eat and sleep, don’t forget to take any needed medications, and take seriously symptoms such as chest pain.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Antidepressants: can they cure tiredness or premenstrual tension? / Los antidepresivos pueden curar el cansancio y la tension pre menstrual?

A rise in prescribing of antidepressants by doctors who are not psychiatrists, often for uses other than depression/anxiety, has helped build what is now a massive market. According to IMS Health, sales of antidepressants in the United States alone surpassed $11 billion in 2010. Antidepressants are now the third most commonly prescribed drug class in this country. Four out of five physicians prescribing antidepressants are not psychiatrists, and antidepressants are commonly prescribed by primary care doctors. Between 1996 and 2007, the percentage of doctor visits during which antidepressants were prescribed but no psychiatric diagnosis was noted increased from 59.5% to 72.7%, according to the study. Antidepressants have been demonstrated to be clinically effective for only a limited number of psychiatric conditions: major depressive disorder, chronic depression, some anxiety disorders, and a few other well-defined conditions, but antidepressant use is becoming concentrated among people with less severe and poorly defined medical conditions and even problems such as tiredness, nonspecific pain, smoking problems, headaches, abnormal sensations and premenstrual tension. What’s the reason behind this?

El incremento en la prescripción de antidepresivos por médicos que no son psiquiatras, a menudo para usos diferentes a los de tratar Depresión/Ansiedad, ha contribuido en la construcción de un Mercado masivo en esta industria. De acuerdo con IMS Health, las ventas de antidepresivos en Estados Unidos solamente ha sobrepasado los $11 billones de dólares en 2010. Antidepresivos son la tercera prescripción mas común en el país. Cuatro de cada cinco médicos que prescriben anti depresivos, no son psiquiatras y los anti depresivos son recetados por médicos primarios. El porcentaje de visitas a estos doctores mientras no existía un diagnostico psiquiátrico se incremento de 59.5% hasta 72.7% de acuerdo al estudio. Este tipo de drogas han demostrado que son clínicamente efectivas únicamente en un limitado numero de condiciones psiquiátricas: depresión mayor, depresión crónica, algunos desordenes de ansiedad, y algunas cuantas condiciones bien definidas, pero el uso de antidepresivos se ha ido concentrando en personas con diagnósticos menos severos o incluso pobres diagnósticos como cansancio, dolores inespecíficos, problemas para dejar de fumar, dolores de cabeza, sensaciones anormales y síndrome pre menstrual entre otros. Cual es la razón detrás de esto?   

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Any link between Breast Cancer and the use of Deodorant? // Vinculos entre Cáncer de Seno y uso de desodorante?

Articles in the press and on the Internet have warned that underarm antiperspirants or deodorants cause breast cancer. The reports have suggested that these products contain harmful substances (focused on the so called “parabens”), which can be absorbed through the skin or enter the body through nicks caused by shaving. Some scientists have also proposed that certain ingredients in underarm antiperspirants or deodorants may be related to breast cancer because they are applied frequently to an area next to the breast.
However, researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a part of the National Institutes of Health, are not aware of any conclusive evidence linking the use of underarm antiperspirants or deodorants and the subsequent development of breast cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates food, cosmetics, medicines, and medical devices, also does not have any evidence or research data that ingredients in underarm antiperspirants or deodorants cause cancer. A new development has been presented in the FOLLOWING ARTICLE.

Artículos publicados en prensa e internet han advertido que el uso de anti-transpirantes o desodorantes esta ligado al cáncer de seno. Estos reportes han sugerido que dichos productos contienen substancias nocivas (se han enfocado en los llamados “parabens”), que pueden ser absorbidos a través de la piel o ingresar al cuerpo a través de heriditas causadas por la rasurada. Algunos investigadores han propuesto que ciertos ingredientes en los anti-transpirantes o desodorantes pueden estar relacionados con cáncer de seno porque ellos son aplicados frecuentemente en un área cercana al seno.
Sin embargo, Investigadores del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer en Estados Unidos, una división del Instituto Nacional de Salud, no tiene conocimiento de alguna evidencia concreta que asocie el uso de desodorantes o anti-transpirantes con el subsecuente desarrollo de cáncer de seno. La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA), encargada de regular alimentos, cosméticos, medicinas y aparatos médicos, tampoco ha encontrado alguna evidencia o investigación que indique que los ingredientes de estos productos produzcan cáncer. Un nuevo desarrollo ha sido planteado en el SIGUIENTE ARTICULO. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

War Against Sweets // Guerra contra los Dulces.

Sugar May Be Bad; But Is the Alternative Worse? A group of researchers from Purdue University, who reviewed several articles published in the last decade, have concluded that sweeteners and sugar alternatives produces the same health problems as their nemesis: the sugar. These conclusions added a new element to the "war against obesity" declared by first lady Michelle Obama.
A controversial proposal, seconded by several scientists, plans to regulate sugar and sweeteners as toxic substances and classify them as dangerous based on their proven relationship with higher risks of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. will this multi million industry fight back using powerful lobbyists and politician friends? Well... Yeah... Duh!!!             Clik here to see the article. 

El azúcar pude ser malo; pero, es peor la alternativa? Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Purdue revisó varios artículos publicados la última década y concluyó que las alternativas artificiales producen los mismos problemas de salud que su rival: el azúcar. Estas conclusiones han añadido un nuevo elemento a la "Guerra contra la Obesidad" liderada por la Primera Dama Michelle Obama.
Una propuesta controversial, secundada por varios científicos, planea regular el azúcar y los endulzantes como SUSTANCIAS TOXICAS y clasificarlos como peligrosos basados en su probada relación con el elevado riesgo asociado a problemas coronarios, ACV's y Diabetes tipo II. Querría esta industria multi-millonaria dar la pelea y utilizar a sus poderosos cabilderos y políticos amigos? pues claro...    Click aqui para ver el articulo.

                       First you get the Sugar, then you get the Power, then you get the Women!  


Saturday, February 4, 2012

If you have a work related injury, are you covered?

If you have a work related injury, are you covered? Does that impact you financially? THINK TWICE!!!
The journal Milbank Quarterly, published the article Economic Burden of Occupational Injury and Illness in the United State. Here, the author exposes that, an average of 5,600 fatal injuries and around 8,500,000 Non-Fatal occur every year in the US, bringing a cost of $200 billion of medical expenses and insurance claims. The workers compensation plans covered ONLY 25% of those costs; can you imagine who would assume the rest of the debt? CLICK HERE to read the report.

Si usted tiene una lesion relacionada con su trabajo, esta usted cubierto? Esto impactara sus finanzas? Pienselo OTRA VEZ!!!
La revista Milbank Quarterly publicó el articulo titulado “Carga económica de las lesiones y enfermedades ocupacionales en los Estados Unidos. En el, el autor expone que en promedio 5,600 fatalidades y alrededor de 8,500,000 de accidentes no fatales ocurren cada año en los Estados Unidos. Generando un costo de $200 millones de millones en gastos médicos y cobros al seguro. Los planes de compensación laboral solo cubrieron el 25% de ese monto. Puede usted imaginar quien tendrá que asumir el resto de la deuda? Haga CLICK AQUÍ para acceder al reporte.   

Supercentenarians!!! Is this the secret to living to 100+ years old?

Genes are probably the key to open the answers to many questions that he humankind has made since the beginning of our time. Only one in five million people cross the boundary of a century of life. But, what the scientist discovered is incredible: “People who live 110 years or longer have as many disease-associated genes as those in the general population”. So… what’s the explanation? This article posted at the site Everyday Health explains the findings of those recent studies.

Genes son probablemente la llave para abrir las respuestas a algunas de las muchas preguntas que la humanidad ha hecho desde el comienzo de nuestros tiempos. Únicamente uno entre cinco millones de personas cruza la frontera del centenario de vida. Lo que los científicos han encontrado es increíble: Las personas que viven 110 años o más, tienen tantos genes asociados a enfermedades como el resto de la población, entonces… ¿Cuál es la explicación? El siguiente articulo publicado en el portal Everyday Health, explica los resultados de los recientes estudios. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

6 foods that can change your life // Seis comidas que pueden cambiar tu vida

We have heard it many times, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, but behind this affirmation rest a fact; food can make us sick, but can food cure?
Let’s check some food that can help us improve our health.

Todos hemos escuchado muchas veces que SOMOS LO QUE COMEMOS, pero detrás de esta afirmación se encuentra una realidad. La comida puede enfermarnos, pero también puede curarnos? 
Los invito a conocer algunos alimentos que pueden ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra salud. 

BREAKING NEWS FDA Allows "Mystery" Pills from China to Be Sold in U.S. // ATENCION FDA au

Is not a secret that pharmaceutical companies make zillions every year with “creative” strategies, but this has gone too far.

No es un secreto que las compañías farmacéuticas producen millones de dólares anuales con estrategias “creativas”, pero esto ha ido muy lejos. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

'Healthy' Diet Best for ADHD Kids // Dieta saludable es mejor para Ninos con Hiperactividad.

According to researchers from Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, a relatively simple diet low in fats and high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is one of the best alternatives to drug therapy for ADHD. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplements have also been shown to help in some controlled studies. I personally believe that the ADHD has been over diagnosed in our recent years and dietary habits, based on processed and fast food, have been underestimated in the role played at the time of diagnosing ADHD. The article presented here gives an idea of how an appropriate diet can help in modifying certain behaviors and can constitute in an element to be taken in consideration at the time of developing a comprehensive treatment.

De acuerdo con Investigadores del Children's Memorial Hospital de Chicago, una relativamente simple dieta baja en grasas in rica en granos integrales, frutas y vegetales, es una de las mejores alternativas para la terapia con fármacos en Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (ADHD por sus siglas en ingles). Omega 3 y Omega 6, suplementos de ácidos grasos también han mostrado cierta ayuda al aplicarse en estudios controlados. Yo personalmente considero que el ADHD ha sido sobre diagnosticado en nuestros años recientes y los hábitos alimenticios, basados en comidas rápidas y procesadas, ha sido subestimado en el papel que juegan a la hora de diagnosticar ADHD. El articulo presentado en esta entrada da una idea de cómo una dieta apropiada puede ayudar a modificar ciertos comportamientos y puede constituirse en elemento para ser tenido en cuenta al momento de desarrollar un tratamiento exhaustivo. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are you more stressed than you think? // Esta usted mas estresado de lo que piensa?

Stress is considered as a psychological and physical response of the body that occurs whenever we must adapt to changing conditions, whether those conditions be real or perceived, positive or negative. Although everyone has stress in their lives, people respond to stress in different ways. Some people seem to be severely affected while others seem calm, cool, and collected all the time. Regardless, we all have it. However, a stage of continues stress could lead to serious health problems and is the door to many of the most common preventable chronic diseases. Here are NINE signs that revel that you are more stressed out than you think. 

Estrés es considerado como una respuesta psicológica y fisiológica de nuestro cuerpo que ocurre cada vez que nos debemos adaptar a condiciones cambiantes. Condiciones reales o percibidas, positivas o negativas. Aunque todas las personas tenemos estrés en nuestras vidas, cada persona responde al estrés de diferentes maneras; algunas personas se pueden percibir severamente afectadas mientras que otras se ven calmadas, tranquilas y contenidas todo el tiempo. A pesar de esto, todos tenemos estrés. Sin embargo un continuo estado de estrés podría conducir a serios problemas de salud y es la puerta para muchos de las más comunes enfermedades crónicas prevenibles. Aquí están NUEVE señales que revelan si usted estaría más estresado de lo que pensaba.